With a name as awesome and long as that, this show has to be great. Right? We'll just have to see, because as I write this I am only on episode 21 and have yet to complete this series. My thoughts so far? There are many but stay toasty(frosty?) and use the magic of time travel to...
So roneri |
Well, that was something. Did it make any sense? No. But it was definitely something alright. Before I start I have a theory on the origin of this show's name. Ok so Kagami Takaya is sitting alone(he's roneri) on a
chair...er kotatsu, he just finished watching legend of the galactic heroes for the 369th time and he's thinking "I want to make an epic story of my own". So you know what he does? He goes to his favourite dealer buys some opium and then starts writting stuff. After a sensation of high he gets all these crazy ideas about magic eye bearers, taboo breakers and women that appear out of no where. It's all going well but all he needs now is a name. However suddenly, he runs out of opium and he's thinking he better do something before his withdrawal symptoms start kicking back in. Takaya being the maverick that he his, decides to watch an episode of LOGH. It is then it occurs to him, why not call this show Legend of the legendary legends (DenDenDen)? Because it sounds fucking retard that's why. 10 Hours later and more opium he comes up with the satisfying and only slightly less retarded name Densetsu no Yuusha Densetsu.
Somebody's got some s'explaining to do |
Well, now that we've gotten the story about how this show's name came to be out of the way, let us move on to the plot. The plot is exactly as written in the title; the primary (and often ignored) story is about search for legendary hero artifacts from a past age called legendary hero relics(very original). That being said we are given no indication on how this shows story will go. One episode they'll be searching for these relics and the next Ryner and Ferris will be wasting minutes discussing dumplings. There's literally little to no consistency in this shows tone. Which really wouldn't be so bad if that was what they were aiming for. However, that is definitely not the case as you'll see that shortly after these episodes about dumplings, going on a date and various other things we are given assassination attempts, wars and tales of hidden corruption. As a result this show has no flow, no sense of direction. Now I'm well aware that this was originally a light novel and perhaps this style of narration worked best for that format. But for an anime? Many times I found myself confused at to what was going on. This got worse especially towards the end. Where I assume the producers/studio found out that they had blown their budget and poorly managed the episodes and now suddenly had to fit 100 plot devices into the last 2-3 episodes. Seriously, I don't even know if what happened at the end could be called a cliffhanger. It all just felt very anti-climatic and rushed. Cliffhangers are supposed to build the tension for a possible(or in this case improbable) continuation. All this ending did was build more confusion. There are so many questions left unanswered at the end. Who is Ferris' brother? Why is Gastark so desperately after the relics? Is the lonely devil a special type of alpha stigma? And finally the most important question why the hell did a woman we've never even seen before pop up out of Ryner's body. I fear at the rate they're going even if they did continue this series it would take at least another 2 seasons before any of these questions get answered.
Legend of the legendary battle |
The first season would ideally be about that big war they foreshadowed at the end. Yea I'm thinking big epic battles and more useless dialogue as Ryner & Ferris attempt to go all Kira & Lacus on us and stop the fighting with his overpowered alpha stigma hacks(ensuring everlasting popularity in japan but damning their appeal just about everywhere else). They'll be many casualties, and unlike the first season the only people to die won't just be redshirts. But I gurantee you somewhere along the way this war will get resolved. With the obvious outcome that Riphal must die. Indeed, at the end of this war Roland will triumph over Gastark. This is precisely because Sion's dark hero plot device hacks are stronger than Riphal's limb for city tactics. In the next great(exaggeration) season Sion and Ryner will have their very overdue and climatic battle. Sion will realize that even though he has defeated Gastark there are still enemies he must face. Pretty much setting up the pace for when Sion goes all Napoleon on us and loses his newly acquired empire. Yes, it is obvious that should Ryner and Sion ever face off both will die or only Ryner will live. This is how all good(predictable) stories must end. If Ryner manages to live Sion will tell him momentarily before he died that he just wanted to create a world for everyone and how he betrayed that ideal and how much of a fool he is.
It's fun to imagine the conclusion of series. So much fun I might just decide to get into the fan-fiction business. Alas, I doubt my fan-fiction would be very popular without some edits, asit lacks the necessary amounts of yaoi(filth) that all successful fan-fiction must possess. Instead, I must devote myself to writing blog entries(that nobody but myself and my imaginary friends read). This is because no matter how terrible the subject or the writing, just about anything can be put into a blog(decide for yourself whether my own blog is the testament). Am I rambling again? Oh yea where was I legend of the legendary heroes.
Ultimately, this show wasn't that bad. It wasn't that great but I don't think it was trying to be great either. Rather, I think it was a show that tried to do a just adaptation. Whether or not they actually succeeded I'll leave that to the fans of the light novel to tell me. Lasting impressions? As far this last/current season went definitely ore no imouto and index s2 got most of the hype and attention (not enough lolis, moe or incest for DenYuDen to be #1). I rather liked index
season 1 and have yet to watch season 2 so I'll have to reserve my judgment. Ore no imouto? I have no intention to watch it, unfortunately I also had no intention to watch Angel Beats, yet I still watched it. Pretty much it was a lackluster season(as it's been lately). Next season promises us more loli, moe and slice of life. Words that as you should know by now do not make up my vocabulary of awesome anime. I'm just waiting to see how the adaptation of beezlebub will turn out. Being a fan of the manga I expect(but probably won't get) good things from the anime. My final comment Legend of the legendary heroes is omissible but if you miss the new Berserk series you will never be forgiven(just like Griffith).
End Transmission