Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's up with anime these days?

Now good old DiabolicalD Daimyo likes to masturbate as much as the next random smub of an anime fan. But what he doesn’t like is fans who think that mainstream anime is a personal outlet to all your weird and bizarre fetishes(they don't need to think it's now a reality).  Let’s face it we know what mainstream anime has been used for the last couple years. Fapping and tons of fapping. There’s no beating around the bush.
Bonus points for fapping in those target areas.

I mean we could all debate the philosphical issues in a show like strike witches,  discuss how emotionally connected each character is to another,  talk about the (not so) complex plot structure or we could just plain fap. Let’s not kid ourselves we’d all choose the last option. You know bad enough as it is to  make one of these shows but they had to make a sequel. I guess it’s true what they say, the anime industry literally has its hands full these days.
Praise kami another useless sequel

Look we get that the point that when you make anime that is fappable and watchable you get $$$. But most of what you make is half-ass recycles of the same shit we saw before. Now I wouldn’t mind a show with fanservice here and there but not everywhere. If I want to fap(and fap hard I will) I’ll watch some hentai. Seriously, atleast hentai doesn’t try to sugarcoat its shit like alot of modern anime does. Hentai goes straight into what it wants and expects you to do. Infact, hentai wads through half the bullshit regular ecchi-fanservice obsessed anime puts you through. You don’t have to imagine the characters getting fucked, you don’t have to think of weird incest shippings. Infact you don’t have do anything but fap. Most of all you’re not fooling yourself into thinking that what you’re watching is full of substance(wet substance maybe).
There's a 90% you'll find a hentai out there that does this better. 

Some of you might think I’m bitching(manri rant I say) and if I don’t like it don’t watch. But that’s the thing there’s hardly anything else for me to watch. Every season there’s maybe like 1 or 3 shows that I think I might consider watching just based on the synopsis but when I actually past the 1st episode it’s the same crap I’ve known to love and hate (I love to fap, but hate to fap to little girls). So as you can see I’m pretty much alienated from an alternative. I’ll look at a show like star driver and think wow that’s a pretty badasss story from the plot info but when I get to episode 1 I’m thinking wtf. Mecha you can fap to? Wherever Char and Amuro are (mexico?) they’re probably crying.
The bottomline: You’re definitely not going to find shows like this today:
I dare you to loli fap to this.

I mean arguably the most recent anime that I saw that still had that had that epic feeling to it was fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. But let’s face it, we needed an extra series to get it right.

You know it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. This just in, you guys know madhouse, right? The studio responsible for a ton of gar and badass anime(Akagi, Ninjascroll, deathnote, etc.). Well guess what they just got bought by nihon tv. The reason? They couldnt pay the bills. But really who can blame them when some of their best selling stuff of all time is crap like this.

If highschool really was like this I wouldn't be a virgin.
It's fucking bullshit man. When crap like this sells good it's like taking a shit on the already poor standards. If paying the bills is a concern I'd rather see you guys do more sub par marvel adaptations. Oh Kaiji season 2 how far away you look to me right now. Hopefully, you will become the messiah to my anime prayers.

End Transmission

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